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Bienvenue à la CommunautÃĐ rurale de l’ÃŪle de Campobello, votre conseil est là pour vous offrir des services et des informations.
Rural Community Office Hours: Mon - Wed - Thur: 9.00 am. - 4.00 pm.
The Rural Community is proud to announce the collaboration with Service New Brunswick to have the twice a month service still being offered in 2025 for the residents of Campobello Island. ... Voir plusVoir moins
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What service???
Reminder that this is garbage collection week on Campobello Island. ... Voir plusVoir moins
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The regularly scheduled council meeting was moved to this evening (Wednesday, November 27th) at 7pm in the community room. ... Voir plusVoir moins
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Service New Brunswick is open today from 10am to Noon and again from 1pm to 3pm.
The office will be closed for one hour for lunch. ... Voir plusVoir moins
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Apologies from the Rural Community of Campobello Island as tonight's regularly scheduled council meeting (Monday, October 25th) needs to be postponed due to quorum not being met. The meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, November 27th at 7pm at the Community Room. Sorry for the late announcement but there was a change in developments late in the day. ... Voir plusVoir moins
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This content isn't available right now ... Voir plusVoir moins
This content isn't available right now
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.0 CommentairesCommenter sur Facebook
This week is Recycling week. There will be no garbage collection at all and the Blue Bins will be collected only on Friday, November 22nd for the whole island. ... Voir plusVoir moins
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Reach out to Angela Smart with the Charlotte County Seniors Resource Centre to be added as a senior or as a "shovelling technician" for a service needed here on Campobello Island.
She can be reached at 506-469-1324 or by email at campobello@charlottecountyseniors.ca ... Voir plusVoir moins
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Reminder that this is garbage collection week on Campobello Island.
Blue Bins will be collected next week, November 22nd. ... Voir plusVoir moins
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